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Common Reconciliation Problems

What to look for first if you are having trouble reconciling.

Nolan Hofstee avatar
Written by Nolan Hofstee
Updated over a week ago


When performing account reconciliation, if you select all available DoorLoop transactions and your difference still doesn't equal $0, there are several possible reasons for this.

Common Reconciliation Mistakes

Usually the problem is related to entering incorrect data during a manual process. We'll go through several of those possibilities below.

Incorrect Opening Balance

  • If you've entered an incorrect Opening Balance for this account, the reconciliation will never square with your actual bank account balance.

  • To change the account's opening balance, follow the instructions in this linked article.

Incorrect Statement Ending Balance Amount or Date

  • Double check to make sure you entered the correct Statement Ending Balance amount for the Statement Ending Date you chose.

  • You might have picked a balance for another date!

Missing Transaction

  • Look for a transaction in your bank statement that matches the amount of the Difference on the reconciliation page. If you find one or more that exactly matches the amount, this transaction might just be missing in DoorLoop.

  • Then all you have to do is create this transaction and continue on with reconciliation.

Incorrect Manual Transaction

  • If your Opening Balance is correct, you've entered the right Statement Ending Balance, and you don't see any missing transactions from your bank statement, you likely need to correct a transaction already entered into DoorLoop.

  • Go through your listed DoorLoop transactions on the New Bank Reconciliation page and compare them to the transactions listed on your bank statements, checking them off as you find them.

  • When you find a transaction that doesn't match, you can edit or delete the transaction in DoorLoop to fix it.

  • Repeat until your Difference is $0 and you can finish the reconciliation!

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