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Use BankConnect via Plaid to Enter Missing Transactions

When matching transactions with Plaid, you can create missing transactions while reviewing bank transactions.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


DoorLoop integrates with Plaid which powers BankConnect to connect your bank account to assist in bank reconciliation. This allows you to match bank transactions with those created in DoorLoop to help ensure your accounting is correct. If a transaction looks like it's missing, you can easily create those transactions from within BankConnect.

Keep in mind importing transaction data via BankConnect isn't a replacement for actual reconciliation, which is the true method for ensuring your accounting is correct.

Note: Bank Connect powered by Plaid is not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

How to Perform Transaction Matching and Entering Missing Transactions in BankConnect

  1. To match your transactions in BankConnect, click Accounting on the main menu and click Banking.

  2. Click on "View Transactions" on the right side of the bank you are matching transactions with.

  3. Click the Confirm button for any Auto-Matched transactions, as long as they were matched correctly. If the transaction did not auto-match correctly, click on the line for the transaction (anywhere to the left of the status) to review the transaction further.

  4. Click the Review button for other transactions so you can either match to an existing transaction (either single transaction or multiple transactions) in DoorLoop or create a new transaction in DoorLoop.

  5. Negative transactions will give you the option to Record as New Expense, or Record as New Transfer. Use this if there are no existing transactions in DoorLoop that can be matched to this line in your bank statement.

    1. Expenses: choose the Payee (optional), expense Category, Property, and add an optional Description or Memo.

      1. Payees not yet created in your DoorLoop portal will need to be added via the Create New button in the upper left corner of the screen.

    2. Transfers: choose the Account the transfer was made to and the Property it was for. Add an optional Description or Memo.

  6. Positive transactions will give you the options to Record as New Deposit, Record as New Transfer, or Record as Lease Payment.

    1. Record as New Deposits: choose the Property and Unit (optional) associated with the deposit, the Category, a Description (optional), the Amount, the Payment method (optional), Reference (optional), and who it was Received from (optional).

      DO NOT use "Record as New Deposit" for Lease Transactions. If you do, it will not record the on the lease. When you go to record it on the lease, this will create a duplicate deposit.

    2. Record as New Transfer: choose the Account the transfer was made to and the Property it was for.

    3. Record as New Lease Payment: Select Lease that the payment is associated with, who it was Received From, and choose the Payment Method. You can also include any files you'd like to associate with this payment.

  7. Transactions that you do not want to account for in DoorLoop can be excluded by clicking the Exclude option. This includes any transactions you see that may be duplicates

  8. Matched or excluded transactions will disappear from the Pending list shown when you click on the link to review transactions. However, you can review these transactions by changing the Filter By: status to either Categorized or Excluded accordingly.

    Matched transactions will also have a “C” under the "Cleared” column on the account register report for this bank account.

NOTE: It may take some time for your real-world transactions to update and show in BankConnect. Normally it may take up to 24 hours depending on your financial institution and account type.

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