You can list your residential units on various platforms directly from DoorLoop, such as Zillow, Apartments.com, RentalSource, Dwellsy, and Zumper. The first step in getting your properties ready for listing is to build the details of these listings by adding photos and amenities to your properties and units. Many of these sites require these and need to be added before they can be listed.
Note: Creating Online Listings is not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.
Note: Our current listing partners do not allow the listing of commercial properties. This means online listing features in DoorLoop will not be available for commercial properties.
The Steps
Set Up Property Listing Information
Tip: The Property information (description, photos, amenities) should reflect everything on the outside and be shared with the units located on the property. Examples include a shared pool, driveway, fence, etc. You need to properly fill out both the Description and Amenities sections on the property as well as add photos for listing requirements.
Step 1 - Edit the Property Settings
Click Rentals on the main menu and then click on Properties. On the list of properties that appear, click on a residential property you want to list. On the Overview tab, click on the button labeled "View Settings."
Step 2 - Add Photos
You will now be on the Settings tab. Click on the General Information button.
On the Edit Property window, click the Photos tab on the left menu. Here, you can upload photos by dragging them into the window or using the "click here" link, then click Save to finish.
(If you need to edit any photos, you can delete them by clicking on the trash can icon or re-arrange photos by clicking and holding on a photo briefly until you can move it. The photo furthest to the left will be the thumbnail photo for the property.)
Tip: Only add photos of the exterior of the property here. These should not be duplicates of the Unit photos when we add them later for the Unit(s) on the property.
Step 3 - Add Amenities
On the Settings tab again, click the General Information button.
On the Edit Property window, click the Amenities tab on the left menu. Check the boxes next to the amenities included in this property. You need to add at least one amenity.
Click Save when you are finished selecting amenities.
Tip: The amenities here are generally for amenities that are on the outside of the unit. If they don't appear here, they may be under the Unit's amenities list.
Step 4 - Add General Information
Click on the View Settings button and in the General Information section enter the description for this property.
Tip: This information will get appended to the end of your unit description on the actual listing. Note that there is a 1000 character limit for the total description per the standards set by listing sites. We suggest keeping the property description below 250 words total with a minimum of at least 250 characters. Keep it concise, but descriptive to keep the reader interested.
Click Save when you are finished entering the description.
Step 5 - Pet Policy
Click on the View settings button (or stay in the Edit Property screen if you just edited your property description) and choose Pet Policy to set the pet policy for this property.
Click Save when you are finished.
Set Up Unit Listing Information
Tip: The Unit information (description, photos, amenities) should reflect everything on the inside of the Unit itself. For example, this could include appliances, flooring, AC, alarm systems, etc. You will need to properly fill out both the Description and Amenities sections in the Unit as well as add photos for listing requirements.
Step 1 - Edit the Unit Information
To set unit-specific photos and amenities, on the main menu, click on Rentals and click on Units. On the list of units, click on the unit you want to list. (You can also click on the Units tab of a Property.)
Click on the Update Unit Information button to begin editing General Information, upload Photos, add Amenities, and set Listing status.
Step 2 - Enter the General Information of the Unit
In the General Information section, you'll need to make sure that you add the information for Market Rent, Size, Bed, and Baths as well as a detailed description of the unit. These are mandatory items that must be included.
(Note that if you are listing a Studio apartment, you can set the number of Beds to 0.)
Tip: This information will appear first on your actual listing. If you entered a description for the property of this unit, that information is appended to the end of the unit description. Note that there is a 1000 character limit for the total description per the standards set by listing sites. We suggest keeping the unit description below 250 words total with a minimum of at least 250 characters. Keep it concise, but descriptive to keep the reader interested.
If the Unit address is the same as the property address, you can turn the toggle on. If it is different, toggle this option off and enter the address of the actual unit.
Tip: Market rent is the amount a landlord might reasonably expect to receive, and a tenant might reasonably expect to pay, for a tenancy. It needs to be similar to the rent charged for similar properties in similar areas. More information about Market Rent can be found here.
Market Rent is not what will appear in your online listings. Instead, you should be adjusting the Asking Price under the Listing Details section of the Listings tab.
Step 3 - Add Photos of the Unit
Click on the Photos tab and upload picture files here. You can drag photos into this section or use the click here link to upload photos.
You can delete photos by clicking on the trash can icon, or re-arrange photos by clicking and holding on a photo briefly until you are able to move it. The photo furthest to the left will be the thumbnail photo for the unit.
Tip: Only add photos of the interior of the unit here. These should not be duplicates of the Property photos that you added previously.
Step 4 - Add Amenities
Click on the Amenities tab and check the boxes next to the amenities included in this property. You need to add at least one amenity.
Click Save when you are finished selecting amenities. If you need to add more or change existing amenities, click on the Update Unit Information button and choose Amenities.
Tip: Amenities for the unit are usually those that are on the inside of the unit, such as air conditioning, appliances, etc.
List the Unit for Rent
To list a unit, click on the Listing tab. Toggle on the Partner Websites Listing option that reads "List this unit for rent on partner websites". Enter the Listing Details information and click Save. (Note that the Listing section does not appear for commercial units on a commercial property.)
Listing Details information includes:
Date Available - When the unit will be available to move in.
Listing Contact - Choose a User that will be the listing contact.
Asking Rent - The amount entered here is what shows in the listing as rent.
Deposit - Enter the amount that will be needed as a deposit.
Lease Terms - Enter the terms of the lease agreement here.
Note: If this unit is Closed for Applications, turning on online listings will open the unit for rental applications automatically.
Configuring Listing Settings
Step 1
Navigate to Settings on the left menu and then click on the Listing Syndication button in the Company section. If you don't see this section, then you are most likely on a Starter Plan. You will nee to upgrade to a Pro or Premium Plan to use listing syndications.
Step 2
Here, you can toggle on or off the partner sites your listings will appear on.
Important: You will need to reach out to Zillow (rentalfeedinquiries@zillowgroup.com) to set up an account with them before your eListings in DoorLoop will post to Zillow. Note that Zillow will charge you for their service.
Important: For apartments.com listings, if you have a property that has more than 5 units that you trying to list, you'll need to reach out to apartments.com to set up an account with them, you can do so by contacting them at advertise@apartments.com or (877) 531-3821.
Click Save when you are finished.
Delist a Unit Once It's No Longer Available
To delist a unit, click on the Update Unit Information button on the unit Overview tab and then click on Listing. Toggle off the Partner Websites Listing option to the off position and click Save.
Tip: The property type must be correctly chosen based on the actual property type; otherwise, the listing may be blocked. Below is how you should choose the residential property type for your rental:
Single-Family Home:
Standalone residential structure
Intended for one family
Multi-Family Home:
Residential building with multiple units
This is used when you own every unit in a multi-unit building (with the exception of duplexes and triplexes)
If your Multi-Family Home has more than 25 units, there will be fees involved (You will need to contact Zillow in this instance and set up an account with them using your account ID. Please reach out to them at the email address below.
Use this when you own a unit in a building but not the entire building
Shared common areas with other units
Duplexes and triplexes also fall under this category
Listings will be blocked if you do not own the entire building
Multi-floor home sharing one or more walls with adjacent properties
Has its own entrance
Properties not fitting the categories
Things to Consider
Listing Requirements for Each of Our Partner Websites
Zillow (plus Hotpads and Trulia):
Property types accepted: Single-Family, Multi-Family, Condo/Townhome
Listing Requirements: MITS required fields, such as: photos, listing description and beds/baths
Zillow Rental Manager does not allow phone numbers, email addresses, links, and other self-promotional or marketing content in the listing description. Please make sure that your description does not have any of this information.
For more information, please view Zillow's Listings Quality Policy.
Please note that any changes to your listing, including a change to the description, may take up to 24 hours to update on Zillow, Trulia, and HotPads.
It is suggested to set up an account with Zillow by reaching out to them at rentalfeedinquiries@zillowgroup.com with your Account ID#. This will help minimize any future issues that might occur.
Property types: Single-Family, Multi-Family
Listing Requirements: MITS required fields, including:
each listing must be for a single available unit
locations must verify against the USPS for a specific unit
Address fields cannot include marketing information
Include marketing information only in the description
Monthly rental price
Dwellsy will not let you use email address, phone numbers, or links in the description for the property.
Dwellsy removes this information and tells the viewer to "[Use CALL or EMAIL to get in touch]."
Property types: Any residential
Listing Requirements: photos, listing description, and valid home facts.
Unit names must not contain marketing terms
Property descriptions should not include any hyperlinks
For properties with 5+ units, direct communications with Apartments.com is required, and advertising may incur a fee
Listing Partner Fees
Zillow (plus Hotpads and Trulia): Paid - Contact Zillow for details.
Dwellsy: Free
RentalSource: Free
Zumper: Free