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Post a One-Time Charge on a Lease

Create a one-time charge on a lease to collect payment from the tenant for items not included as part of the rent charge.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a month ago


A charge is a lease transaction recording that a tenant owes you money. Charges are associated with revenue accounts, allowing the related lease payments to record revenue to the correct account in your chart of accounts for reporting purposes. For example, paid rent charges show rent revenue on the profit and loss report. If you need to charge a tenant for a one-time fee or collect money for a service, you would post a charge to their lease.

Note: You can set up recurring rent and other recurring charges on a lease. This way, you don't need to manually create these charges when they occur. These instructions show you how to post one-time charges.

The Steps

  1. To post a charge to a tenant's lease, click Leasing on the main menu and then click Active Leases

  2. Find and click on the lease you want to post a charge for.

  3. On the lease, click on the Transactions tab and then click the Post Charge button.

  4. On the Post Charge window, enter the required information for:

    • Account: Choose a revenue account category for the charge.

    • Description: (Optional) enter an explanation for the charge. (What you enter here is what the tenant will see on their lease ledger in the tenant portal. If you leave it blank, the tenant will just see the word “Charge.”)

    • Amount: Enter the amount for the charge.

    • Due Date: Change the due date for the charge if needed.

    • Add Line Item: Use this link to add additional charge items if needed. (You could also create separate charges for each line item.)

    • Add memo: Add an optional note for your reference when reviewing the charge later. (What you enter here you will be shown in the “Memo” column in relevant reports.)

  5. Add any relevant files (optional) by dragging the file into the window or using the Click Here link to upload. You also have the ability to Share files with the tenants if you click the box. This is a good way to share files like receipts or documents.

  6. Click Save to finish.

Good work! You can review charges on the Transactions tab of your leases.

Tip: If you add more than one line item to a charge, this will appear as a "--Split Value--" category on the Transactions tab history. If you want each of your charges to appear with their own categories in the Transactions tab, create separate charges for them.

Tip: Charges on a lease are typically just Liability and Revenue accounts by default. If you want to charge Expenses to the tenant, you'll need to enable that in the Chart of Accounts. For steps on how to do this, read the article: Turn On Chart of Account Categories for Use With Lease Charges.

Note: If the date of the charge is set in the future, it will not appear as a Balance Due on the tenant's portal. Instead, it will appear in the Upcoming Charges section of the portal. It will appear as part of the Balance Due once the date of the charge comes up.

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