Edit and Delete a Lease Deposit

Correct lease deposit mistakes.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


At some point you might realize you recorded a lease deposit incorrectly and need to edit or delete the deposit. The following steps will help you accomplish this.

The Steps

Editing a Lease Deposit

  1. From the main menu, click Leases and then click Active Leases.

  2. Find the lease you want to edit a deposit for and click on it. You can either sort the list by the various columns and filters or use the Search leases search bar.

  3. Click on the Transactions tab and find the deposit transactions you need to edit.

    • If you recorded the deposit charge, but no payment for the charge, you will only need to find the deposit charge.

    • If you also recorded a payment for the deposit charge, the deposit transactions will consist of both a charge and a payment.

    • If you created a lease deposit charge, but recorded a credit to the opening balance to pay off the charge because you were already holding the deposit money in your bank account, the deposit transactions will consist of a charge, a credit, and an applied credit line for $0 connecting the credit to the deposit charge.

  4. Click on the three dots on the right side of the transaction line and choose Edit.

  5. If editing, change the necessary fields.

    Note that if you edit either a deposit charge or a credit, the $0 applied credit line that connects the charge and the credit will update to today’s date to record that you made a change on this date. You can edit this $0 applied credit to change the date to match the deposit charge and credit if you’d like to keep these organized together on the lease ledger.

  6. Add any relevant files and click Save.

Deleting a Lease Deposit

  1. From the main menu, click Leases and then click Active Leases.

  2. Find the lease you want to delete a deposit for and click on it. You can either sort the list by the various columns and filters or use the Search leases search bar.

  3. Click on the Transactions tab and find the deposit transactions you need to delete.

    • If you recorded the deposit charge, but no payment for the charge, you will only need to find the deposit charge.

    • If you also recorded a payment for the deposit charge, the deposit transactions will consist of both a charge and a payment.

    • If you created a lease deposit charge, but recorded a credit to pay off the charge because you were already holding the deposit money in your bank account, the deposit transactions will consist of a charge, a credit, and a payment line for $0 connecting the credit to the deposit charge.

  4. Click on the three dots on the right side of the transaction line and choose Delete.

    • If you delete a lease deposit charge that has a corresponding payment or credit, make sure you also delete the payment or credit if you intend to remove both.

    • Note that if the payment has already been deposited, you will not be able to delete the payment and the changes you can make are limited. You need to edit the payment, click on the View Deposit button, and delete the deposit if you want to change or delete the lease payment.

  5. Add any relevant files and click Save.

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