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Move-out a Tenant From an Existing Lease

How to remove a tenant from an existing lease.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 5 months ago


If you have a lease with multiple tenants and one moves out, you will want to remove the tenant from the lease without ending the lease for the remaining tenants. In DoorLoop, moving a tenant out of a lease and keeping all the relevant information related to the move-out is easy.

Note: These instructions are not how you should end a lease when a tenant moves out. To do that, you should end the current lease which will also set the move-out date for the tenant.

You cannot move out a tenant if they are the only tenant on the lease.

The Steps

  1. To move-out a tenant from an existing lease, click Leasing on the main menu and then click Active Leases.

  2. Find the lease you want to remove a tenant from and click on it.

  3. Click on the Tenants tab and click the Move-out Tenant button.

  4. Click the + Add Tenant button to select which tenant to remove. You can add as many tenants as needed to move them all out at once. (There must be at lease 1 tenant left on the lease.)

  5. Enter the Notice date to record when the tenant gave you their move-out notice. Use the Move-out date to enter when the tenant actually left the property.

  6. Add any relevant files (optional) and click Save to finish moving out the tenant.

Note: If the Move-out date is set to a date in the future, that tenant can still access their tenant portal and still receive notifications until their move-out date is reached. If you set the date to a past date, they will no longer be able to access their tenant portal and will no longer get notifications.

Tip: You can not move out a tenant if they are the only tenant on a lease. If someone is taking over their lease, move the new tenant in first, then move-out the old tenant. Otherwise, end the lease and create a new lease for the new tenant.

Congratulations on moving out a tenant from an existing lease! You can also move-in tenants on an active lease if new tenants are joining the lease.

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