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Review Bank Deposits

Learn the ways DoorLoop automatically records bank deposits.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 8 months ago


DoorLoop automatically creates bank deposits for online payments made through the tenant portal. You can also automatically create a bank deposit at the same time you manually record a tenant lease payment.

This not only saves you time, it also helps ensure your accounting is correct. Bank reconciliation also requires accurate bank deposits.

If you need to review your bank deposits and see detailed information about what those bank deposits consisted of, here's how you would do that.

How to review bank deposits

Whether DoorLoop creates bank deposits or you record them manually, you can review them at any time in the Deposit Transactions report.

  1. To review your bank deposits, click Reports on the main menu and then click on the Deposit Transactions report in the Accounting section.

  2. By default, this report shows all deposits made in the last 7 days. However, you can use the filters to select any period or deposit group that you'd like. (For example, you could look at deposits for a specific property or tenant for all time.)

  3. If you want to review a specific deposit, click on the deposit line to review the bank deposit details.

    On the Edit Deposit window, you can edit or add notes to the deposit. You can even delete the deposit if it was created automatically from when you recorded a lease payment.

Bundled ePay Deposits

When your tenants make payments online, those payments are processed by Stripe. Stripe will then process those payments which take approximately 3 days. If you have tenants who make payments all on the same day, most of those payments will be processed and available for payout at the same time. Stipe will bundle these payments into one deposit to your bank account.

If an online payment was made by a tenant on an off day that no other tenants have made a payment, this would most likely appear as its own payout to your bank account.

That's why sometimes you see deposits with multiple payments bundled in one and some deposits that only have one payment.

Note: You will not be able to edit or delete bank deposits DoorLoop automatically created when tenant portal payments deposit into your bank account. This prevents you from deleting deposits DoorLoop knows you received and ensures your accounting and reports remain accurate.

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