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Pay a Bill

The next step after creating a bill is to pay the bill.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 3 months ago


If you created a vendor bill or a management fees bill, you will need to mark those bills as paid once you pay them in the real world. This could be when you pay the bill or your owner does. You would do this by issuing a bill payment for that bill.

Note: The Pay Bills feature is not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

Record the bill payment

  1. To record a bill payment for an open bill, click on + Create New button at the top left corner and click on Pay Bills under the Vendor Transactions section.

  2. On the Pay Bills wizard, under the Bills step, choose which bills to display by clicking on the buttons in the following sections:

    • Which properties would you like to pay bills for?

      • Use the All Properties button to select bills associated with all properties.

      • The Some Properties button will allow you to choose specific properties.

    • Which vendors would you like to pay?

      • Use the All Vendors button to choose bills for all vendors.

      • The Some Vendors button allows you to choose specific vendors.

    • Which bills do you want to pay?

      • The All Bills button will select all available bills for the properties and vendors you selected.

      • Use the Some Bills button to filter for bills that are due before a specific date.

  3. Click Next to continue.

  4. On the Allocations step, this lists the properties with bills meeting your filter requirements from the previous step. Each line shows the following information:

    • Property: lists the name and location of your property.

    • Balance Due: lists the total amount of all the bills you selected to pay for this property.

    • Payment Amount: lists the amount you will pay. (You can change this amount by un-toggling Automatically Apply Payments.)

    • Actions: Automatically Apply Payments normally toggled on. The total amount of all bills will be paid from the property's default operating account. You will not need to toggle this off unless you plan on paying a different amount than what is shown under the Payment Amount column or if you want to check the available funds on the account.

  5. If everything looks good here, you can continue to the next step. If the Payout Amount doesn't look correct, do the following:

    • If the Payment Amount column doesn't seem to match the Balance Due, you can enter a different amount be toggling off Automatically Apply Payments on the Actions column and click Edit.

      This will bring up the Bills Due window for the property. You will see the following:

      • Property Account Balance: This shows the total account balance on a property.

      • Property Available Funds: clicking the blue question mark will list the funds available on the balance sheet for this property. The Available Funds is your Cash Balance minus Deposits Held for the property. For your information, the property’s Reserve Funds are also shown, but you can still spend this money if you choose to.

      • Payment Amount: Edit the amount you want to pay next to each open bill.

      • Click Save when you're done.

    • If you encounter the error "You either did not select a bill, don't have any unpaid bills, or you don't have enough available funds for payment," follow the instructions here: Why a Property May Not Have Enough Available Funds to Pay a Bill. Once you fix this, you can continue.

  6. Once you've fixed any issues, click Next when you are ready to proceed.

  7. You'll now be on the Create Payments screen. Use this screen to review the bill payment and record the payment method you used.

    • Change the Payment Date to the date you paid the bill or bills.

    • Use the Consolidate Checks toggle to turn bill payments for multiple properties to the same vendor into one check.

    • Pick the Payment method you used to pay this bill.

      • Check - Enter a check number if you already have your own checks sent outside of DoorLoop. Otherwise, select "Add to Print Queue" if you plan on printing the check out in DoorLoop. Read: Print a Check for more information.

      • ePay - Choose this to send a payment electronically if you have already signed up for

      • All other payment method choices require payment outside of DoorLoop.

  8. Click Finish when you are done finalizing your payment.

Congratulations on paying your bill! Your bill is now recorded as being paid, and all relevant DoorLoop reports will reflect this payment.

Note: Do not pay an open bill by creating an expense. An expense will not mark a bill as paid. For more information about expenses, read: Create an Expense.

Next Step

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