In DoorLoop, you can choose the date and currency format you want to use, based on the country you are using DoorLoop.
The Steps
To set your region & currency settings, click Settings on the main menu and then click on Region & Currency under the Company section.
On the Region & Currency window, set the Region that you are in. The region you select changes the date format throughout DoorLoop. (An example of the date format you choose is shown below the dropdown field.) Next, set the Currency format for your region. (An example of the currency format you choose is shown below the dropdown field.)
Once you have set your preferences, click Save, and your settings will be updated throughout DoorLoop.
Note - If you are in a country other than the United States, please correctly set your Region and Currency type before applying for your Merchant Account. Only one currency type can be used per DoorLoop account. Once chosen and a merchant account is set up, you will no longer be able to change these settings.