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Remove a Property Owner From a Property

Remove an owner from a property you manage if ownership changes hands.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 6 months ago


As you manage your properties, their ownership might change hands. Don't worry, it's easy to remove owners from your properties and add new ones!

The Steps

  1. To remove a property owner from a property, click Rentals on the main menu and then click Properties.

  2. On the Properties list, find and click on the property for which you want to delete a property owner.

  3. Click on the Settings tab and then click Owners.

  4. On the Property Owner window, remove the property owner from the property by clicking on the red trash can icon on the top right corner of the owner and then clicking the green checkmark to confirm.

    (If you need to add the new owner who purchased the property, you can add one or more owners here using the + Add Owner button.)

  5. On the Property Owners window, the total ownership percentage for all owners needs to equal 100% before you can click Save.

    (If there are now no owners on the property, that is ok, you can still click Save.)

  6. Click Save to finish.

Next Steps

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