If you find that you created an Owner Contribution incorrectly, use these steps to make fixes or delete the transaction altogether.
Note: Owner Contributions are not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.
The Steps
Edit or Delete an Owner Contribution
To edit or delete an Owner Contribution, click People on the main menu and then click Owners.
Find the owner you want to edit or delete a contribution for, and click on it.
On the Owner's page, click on the Transactions tab and find the Owner Contribution you need to edit or delete.
Click on the three dots on the right side of the Owner Contribution line and choose Edit (to edit an owner contribution) or Delete (to delete an owner contribution) depending on your need.
If editing, change the necessary fields. You can also use the Delete button in the lower left if you change your mind and decide to delete the transaction. (Note that if this owner contribution was already deposited, you will need to delete the deposit to make any changes.)
Add any relevant files and click Save.
Review Deleted Owner Contributions
You can review deleted Owner Contributions and who last edited a contribution by doing the following:
To review deleted owner distributions, click Reports on the main menu and click on the Transactions List report.
Use the filters and under Type, select Owner Contributions.
Click on the Filter button and on the Filter Panel, under the Deleted Items field, select Show. The report will now show only the Owner Contributions that were deleted.
(Optional) You can also click on the 3 dots on the right side of the report columns and turn on the Updated By and Updated At columns to see which user last changed an Owner Distribution and when they did it.