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Set Up Custom Allocations for CAM Charges and Credits
Set Up Custom Allocations for CAM Charges and Credits

How to add custom allocations for bulk CAM charges and credits on a property

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated this week


CAM charges are the cost that a landlord pays to operate and run a commercial property. It stands for common area maintenance and is usually interchangeable with the term operating expenses. This would include the common area maintenance, charges for cleaning up common areas, security for the property, property taxes, property insurance, repairs and maintenance. These items are all paid by the landlord and are sometimes passed through to a tenant. With DoorLoop, you can now create custom allocations on a property no matter if the units are occupied or not.

Note: Custom Allocations for CAM Charges are not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

  1. To set up custom allocations for CAM charges and credits, click Rentals on the main menu and then click Properties.

  2. Select the Property for which you want to set Custom Allocations.

  3. On the property Overview page, click the Settings tab. Then click the Custom Allocations button.

  4. On the Custom Allocations window, click the + Create New button to create a new custom allocation.

  5. You'll now see the Custom Allocations window. Here, you'll see several fields you can fill in to add your custom allocation presets.

    • Allocation Name: Enter the name you want for this new custom allocation preset

    • Allocation Description: Enter a description if needed

    • Use Common Allocation: Select if you want to Allocate Manually, Allocate Evenly, or Allocate by Size. (Note that if using the Allocate Evenly and Allocate by Size option, you can decide whether or not to include the Vacant Units.)

      • Allocate Manually: With this option, you can set the allocation percentage for each unit on the property manually

      • Allocate Evenly: allocate the percentage of charges evenly for all units

      • Allocate by Size: allocate the percentage of charges based on the size of each unit

  6. Click Save to finish.

Now, when you go to create Bulk Charges or Bulk Credits, your new custom allocation setting will appear as an option to choose for allocations.

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