One of the first steps in your DoorLoop journey is entering your Company Information for your property management company. Here, you'll enter all of your company's general info and set a custom logo and URL for your account that represents your business.
Tip: It is recommended that you set your company information. This information will appear in various places, such as your reports, tenant portal, the welcome message when you set up SMS messaging, and more. This lets your tenants and owners know who the property manager is. This is the default information that is used company-wide, unless you set up the property-specific information.
The company information is also used to set up your rental applications, run background checks, and set up your Communications Center.
The Steps
Edit Your Company's General Information
To add your company information, click Settings on the main menu, and then under the Company section, click Company Information.
On the Company Info window, under the General Info section, you'll want to enter all the following information:
Add Your Company Logo: Upload a company logo you want to use. This logo will show up on all your reports and the tenant portal (if you haven't set your tenant portal settings yet).
Company Name: Enter your company name here.
Primary Email Address: Enter your company's primary email address.
Primary Phone Number: Enter your company's primary phone number.
Street 1: Enter your company's street address.
Street 2: (optional)
City: Enter your company's city information.
State: Enter your company's state information.
Country: Enter your company's country information.
Zip Code: Enter your company's zip code.
Company Website: Enter your company's website.
It should be pointed out that DoorLoop does check the validity of your physical address. If you see the "We couldn't verify the address" error, please double-check your address. If you know the address is correct, and you still see this error, click "Use this address anyways."
Click Save when you are done.
Edit Your DoorLoop URL
The next step is customizing your DoorLoop URL to reflect that of your company. Here you'll be able to create a subdomain for yourself to help differentiate your DoorLoop account from others. This will show up on the User's login page, Tenant Portal, and Owner Portal.
To edit your DoorLoop URL, click the DoorLoop URL tab on the Company Info page.
Enter the custom URL that you would like to use for your DoorLoop account into the subdomain field.
You can't use spaces or special characters in your subdomain. In the rare case that someone in DoorLoop has already claimed the subdomain you are trying to use, you will have to choose something else.
Click Save to finalize your new custom DoorLoop URL.
Edit the Account Owner
There might come a time when you need to transfer ownership of your DoorLoop account to someone else (a different user on the account). The account owner is the only one who has full access and is the only user who can change the account owner user to someone else. This is to prevent another user from incorrectly taking ownership of your account.
To transfer ownership of your DoorLoop account to another Account Owner, click on the Account Owner tab on the Company Info page.
Select the user you want to be the new account owner in the Account Owner field.
Click Save and the user you selected will now be the new account owner instead of you.
That's it! Welcome to DoorLoop!
Next Step