Success Toaster Overview

Know whether or not the action you performed was successful or not

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


Nothing is worse than performing a task and not knowing if it was successful or not. That's why we've made a significant UX improvement that enables new user notifications that the action they took was successful. This includes items such as payment, adding a new item, paying a bill, and many more.

There are no real steps to take here. Anything you create in DoorLoop now should have the success toaster popup if the operation was successful. That means if you create a payment, you should get a notification that it was successful.

You will notice that on the notification, there is a View link. If you click it, it will take you whatever is associated with that success notification. For instance, if you entered a payment, it'll take you to the lease transaction list that the payment was associated with.

That's it. The success toaster is automatic and is just another improvement we've made to the UI to make using DoorLoop more intuitive.

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