Update the Status of a Draft Lease

If you need to update the status of a draft lease, here's how you would do that.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


When creating a draft lease, you are given the option to set the status of the draft lease based on what step of the process you're on. This is mainly to track the status of signature requests on your end so you can see if a contract was sent, partially signed, or completely signed before activating the lease.

The Steps

  1. To update the status of a draft lease, click Leasing on the main menu and click Draft Leases. You'll see a list of all your draft leases. Look at the Status column that will show what status your draft lease is in.

  2. To update this, click the 3 dots to the right of the draft lease you want to update and click Edit.

  3. On the New Lease screen, you'll want to click Next until you get to the Status (Define Your Lease) screen on Step 6. (Along the way, you can edit what needs editing, but it's step 6 where you'll want to be.) Under the Draft Lease section, you can change the status here to one of the given options.

  4. Once you select the new status, click Save to finish.

Your draft lease status is now updated and reflected in the Draft Lease Overview page.

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