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Owner Management
Removing an Owner/User From Your Account
Removing an Owner/User From Your Account

If you set up an owner as a user and want to remove access from them, here's how you would do that.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


If you had added an Owner to your DoorLoop account as a User with limited access, but now want to remove them for whatever reason, you can. This could be because you are not managing their properties any longer or you just don't want to give them access anymore. While you aren't able to delete them from the system as users, you can make their user accounts inactive so they'll no longer have access to login. Here's how.

The Steps

  1. The first step to removing access to an owner is the click Settings on the main menu.

  2. Click Users under the Company section.

  3. On the Users screen, find the user you need to change and click on the user. If you have quite a few users, you can find the user by using the search bar or sorting the list by Status or User Role using the filters.

  4. On the Edit User window in the Personal Info tab, look for the toggle next to Active User. Toggle the setting off.

  5. Click Save to finish.

Once back on the Users page, you'll note that the Owner User that you turned off access for now shows up as an Inactive account. That means they'll no longer have access to your DoorLoop account as a user.

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