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Send an Announcement to Future Tenants
Send an Announcement to Future Tenants

If you need to send an announcement to a future tenant, here's how you would do that

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


It is possible to send announcements to future tenants if you've already set them up on an active lease that hasn't started yet. To do so, you'll need to follow these instructions carefully as it only works when specific conditions are met.

Note: Announcements are not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

  1. On the main menu, click Communications and then click on Announcements.

  2. Click on the + New Announcement button at the top right corner.

  3. You'll now be on the New Announcement Wizard. This is where you need to select the right options in order to send an announcement to a future tenant:

    • Select Some Properties and select the property the future tenant is on

    • Select Some Units and select the property the future tenant is on

    • Select Some Tenants and select the future tenant

    If done correctly, it'll look something like the above image. Note that you must select an option in each dropdown menu, including the future tenant(s) at the end.

  4. Click Next. Run through the rest of the New Announcement flow until you get to the very end. You should see something like below where depending on the method you chose to send the announcement, you'll see a number there that signifies the number of people the announcement will go to.

    If you see a 0, that means you did not select the correct options from Step 3 and you'll need to go back and correct those options.

  5. Click Finish to send your announcement.

That's it. Your announcement will be sent. You can check if it went through by heading to the Communications > Announcements page again and clicking on the announcement to see an Overview of what was sent.

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