We are welcoming the start of a new month with the release of a new update! This update focuses on performance optimization, the addition of unit-level accounting within the BankConnect page, and more! As always, thank you again for all your suggestions and input to help make DoorLoop the best it can be!
Performance Improvements!
We're always optimizing and improving of backend and now, DoorLoop is 25% faster! Those with large lists of properties, units, leases, people, etc will see a drastic improvement in load times. Not only that, switching between different tabs within the software should now be much smoother.
Unit-Level Accounting Within BankConnect
You can now add unit-level information when recording new expenses, transfers, and deposits when reviewing transactions in BankConnect. This allows you to record a more precise transaction for your records and reports.
And More...
As always, our team has also implemented several bug fixes that will help with overall quality of life. This includes:
UI adjustments in relation to files
Ability to search by property name when viewing units
Improvements to reports