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Lease Management
Download a Lease Account Statement for Your Tenants
Download a Lease Account Statement for Your Tenants

You can manually download a lease account statement, aka the tenant ledger or lease ledger and send this to your tenant.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


A lease account statement (tenant ledger or lease ledger) on DoorLoop is a document that can be given to the tenant with a summary of all the financial transactions associated with their lease agreement. It serves as a summary of all charges and payments posted to their lease. You can manually generate a copy of the account statement and send it to your tenants.

The Steps

Download the lease account statement (lease ledger)

  1. On the main menu, click Leasing and then click Active Leases or Inactive Leases, depending on the lease you are looking for.

  2. Find the lease you want to send an invoice for, and click on it. You can either sort the list by the various columns and filters or use the Search Leases search bar.

  3. Once on the lease, click the Transactions tab.

  4. On the top right corner of the transactions, click Save as PDF to generate the account statement and save that to whatever your default download location is.

Once the account statement is downloaded, you can send this to your tenant by email outside of DoorLoop.

What does the lease account statement look like?

Account statements will look like they do above. It shows all transactions that have occurred on a lease since the beginning. That includes all payments and charges.

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