Messages on the Communications Center are generally assigned to the person who creates them. However, when messages originate from the other end, they are assigned based on the property they are associated with.
Note: The Communications Center is not available for Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.
The Steps
Modify the User Roles to View Messages on the Communications Center
If you want your users to make use of the Communications Center and view messages, you'll need to make sure that their User Roles are set up properly. Full Access User Roles do not need to make any adjustments.
For those User Roles that need modifying, click Objects on the User Role window and scroll down to the Communication Center object. Under the View List column, select the following:
X Icon - select this if you don't want your User to view any messages
Person Icon - select this if you want them to view messages they are assigned to
Checkmark Icon - select this if you want them to view all messages, regardless of if they are assigned to them or not.
Set Specific Users as "Super Assignees" for Specific People Categories
You can set specific users to be automatically assigned when messages come from tenants, owners, vendors, or prospects. You can do this under the Communication Center settings (Settings > Communication Center). Under each section (tenants, owners, vendors, prospects), toggle on "Automatically assign users when a _____ message is received." Then select which User you want automatically assigned to these messages.
Set Assignees Per Conversation
Individual messages can also be assigned to users after they are received by the default user. To do so, on each message, use the Assignee dropdown at the top right corner and select all the users you want assigned to the message.