Move-in a Tenant on an Existing Lease

How to add a tenant to an existing lease.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated this week


Multi-tenant leases can exist in DoorLoop. For example, if you want to add an entire family to a lease or if you allow an existing tenant to add roommates. In these cases, if you need to add tenants to an existing lease, you can by using the Move-In feature.

Note: These instructions are not how you should start a new lease for a new tenant when the previous tenant moves. Instead, you should end the current lease and then create a new lease for the new tenant and their lease terms.

The Steps

  1. To move-in a new tenant into an existing lease, click Leases on the main menu and then click Active Leases.

  2. Find the lease you want to add a tenant to and click on it.

  3. Click on the Tenants tab and click the Move-in Tenant button.

  4. Here you'll need to select who will be moving into the existing lease.

    • If you already have Prospects entered into DoorLoop, choose them from the list of available tenants and prospects. You can use the search bar to narrow down the selection.

    • If they are new and not entered, click the + New Tenant button to create a new tenant. (Enter as much information for the tenant as you’d like, but you will need to enter either a First Name and Last Name combination or Company name. You will also have to enter in the Portal Login Info, either an email address and/or mobile phone number.)

  5. When back on the main tenants page, if you need to add additional tenants to this lease (multi-tenant lease), click the + Add Tenant button and repeat the steps above.

  6. Enter the correct Move-in date and leave the Invite to the resident portal toggle on if you'd like to invite the new tenant to access the tenant portal. DoorLoop will send an email invite to the tenants using the email address you entered in their contact info.

  7. Add any relevant files (optional) and click Save to finish moving in the new tenant.

Congratulations on moving in a new tenant on an existing lease! You can also move-out tenants without ending a lease if other tenants remain behind.

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