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Track Tenant Portal Invites

How to check the status of your tenant portal invites.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


When you invite your tenants to use the tenant portal, you might wonder if they received or accepted the invite. By using DoorLoop's Tenants page, you can follow the progress of your invites so you won't be left in the dark.

The Steps

View all tenants and their tenant portal status

  1. To track the status of your tenant portal invites, click People on the main menu and then click Tenants.

  2. Find the tenant on which you want to view the status of a tenant portal invite. The status can be seen in the Tenant Portal Status column. You can see whether a portal invite was sent and whether the tenant activated their tenant portal.

  3. The Action column shows when a tenant portal invitation was last sent.

Now that you know the status of your tenant portal emails, you can use these instructions if you need to re-send a tenant portal invite.

Quickly view how many tenants have not activated their tenant portal

You can also quickly see how many of your tenants have not activated their tenant portal by using the "Didn't sign into the portal" widget at the top of the Tenants page.

If you click the widget, you can see which tenants have not activated their portal. The Tenant Portal Status shows that their invite was sent and not activated yet. The Action column will show when they were last sent a portal invite. You can click "Send portal invitation" again to resend the invite to your tenant.

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