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Create and Manage Portfolios
Create and Manage Portfolios

Use portfolios to group properties for reporting and filtering purposes.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


DoorLoop allows you to link your properties with Portfolios, making it easier to run reports and keep track of your properties. You can sort by portfolio in various reports and on your dashboard, so having portfolios set will allow you to easily sift through your information and group it any way you would like, saving you headaches in the future.

Note: Portfolios are not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

Create a New Portfolio

  1. To create a new portfolio, click Settings, on the main menu and then click Portfolios under Related Lists.

  2. Type in a Tag Name for your new portfolio. If you've previously added portfolios, you'll need to click the + Add Line Item link first.

  3. Use the Properties dropdown menu to select the properties you would like to include in this portfolio. Keep clicking on the menu to add additional properties.

  4. Once you have added all your desired properties to this portfolio, click on the green checkmark to save. This portfolio is now available for use for reporting and filtering throughout DoorLoop.

  5. To add another portfolio, click on + Add Line Item link again and repeat the steps above.

  6. When you are done creating portfolios, click the X icon in the upper right corner of the Portfolios window to exit these settings.

Well done! Now you can organize and view your properties with ease.

Edit a Portfolio

To edit a Portfolio, just head over to Settings > Portfolios again. On the Portfolios window, click the Edit symbol to the right of the Portfolio you want to edit. When you're done making edits, click the Green Checkmark again.

Delete a Portfolio

To delete a Portfolio, just head over to Settings > Portfolio again. On the Portfolios window, click the Red Trashcan next to the Portfolio you want to delete. Click the Red Trashcan one more time to confirm.

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