If you have bills or expenses that occur on a regular schedule for the same amount each time, you can set up a recurring transaction to automatically create these for you.
However, these may change from time to time and you’ll need to edit the recurring transaction. Let’s walk through that now!
The Steps
Edit a recurring bill or expense
To edit a recurring bill or expense, click on Accounting on the main menu and then click Recurring Transactions.
Click on the recurring bill or expense you want to edit. (You can also click on the 3 dots icon and select the Edit option.)
On the Edit Recurring Bill or Expense window, change any of the fields you need to and click Save when you are done.
Delete a recurring bill or expense
To delete a recurring bill or expense, click on Accounting on the main menu and then click Recurring Transactions.
Click on the 3 dots icon to the right of the recurring bill or expense you want to delete and click the Delete option.
That’s it! If you edit the recurring bill or expense, going forward, newly created instances of this recurring transaction will reflect these changes. If you delete the recurring bill or expense, they will no longer appear in the future.