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DoorLoop Getting Started

If you're just getting started with DoorLoop, here are some key steps to take when starting out.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 6 months ago


It's not very difficult to get started with DoorLoop, especially when there's a team of Onboarding Specialists and Customer Support Agents to help you every step of the way. We do have a few tips for you however on how you can get started yourself and be on your way to managing your properties like a pro.


We recommend that all new users to DoorLoop should complete the onboarding process so you'll have a better understanding of how the software works. Before starting the onboarding process, please submit your data so your integrations specialist can have that data uploaded for you before the first call. This way we can have your account set up and ready to go. For details on the type of data you can upload and the data migration template, read the article here.

DoorLoop University

The next step is DoorLoop University. Between onboarding calls, we recommend taking a look at the new, DoorLoop University. Here we offer continuous access to comprehensive training and resources to help you get up and running on Doorloop quickly.

Featuring a collection of video tutorials that provide clear and concise walk-throughs of every aspect of our platform, Doorloop University serves as your go-to resource for quick and seamless onboarding. Get up to speed in no time and carry out your property management operations effortlessly.

Knowledge Base

For most questions, you'll probably find the answers here on our knowledge base. We have hundreds of articles here ranging from topics such as how to perform owner distributions to inviting tenants to their tenant portals. If you're reading this, you're probably on the knowledge base now, but for a handy link to save, here's the URL:

Tip: We suggest going through Modules 1-4 in the Getting Started section which will teach you a lot of the core basics to getting your DoorLoop up and running.

Customer Support

Lastly, if you have more questions that haven't been covered in Onboarding or through DoorLoop University, or you just need some guidance, please contact our customer support agents via the Blue Chat Bubble at the bottom right corner of DoorLoop. Here we will be able to help with issues you might be having with the software or just general questions about everyday tasks.

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