The Overview dashboard is the very first thing you see when you log in to DoorLoop. To make sure you are able to view all your important information as soon as you open the software, we make it easy using our widgets!
Your dashboard is totally customizable and will show you important information at a glance, allowing you to prioritize your time to figure out what part of the software you need to dive into first to get things done.
But what if you’ve accidentally added a widget, or want to clear some space on your dashboard? We’ll walk you through the simple process of removing widgets, so let’s do that now!
Note: Starter plan accounts can not remove widgets. You can only move and arrange them.
The Steps
There are two ways to remove widgets on your dashboard.
Method 1 - Use the Customize Dashboard button
Method 2 - Use the 3 dots
That's it. It’s that simple.
Note: if you remove all the widgets on the overview page, it's possible that you won't be able to add them back, so we advise against doing that.
Also, the Rental Application / TransUnion Screening banner at the top of the Overview page can not be removed currently.
Next Steps
If you’d like to re-arrange the order of your widgets, please refer to our Moving Widgets on your Dashboard article.
If you’d like to add a widget back to your dashboard, please refer to our Adding Widgets to your Dashboard article.
If you’d like to learn how to access other parts of the software easily using the widgets, please refer to our Clicking on Items in Widgets article.