Your prospects will sometimes submit rental applications with incorrect information. When this happens, TransUnion will not be able to verify the prospect’s identity to provide you with their SmartMove report so you can make your approval decision.
Don’t worry though, with DoorLoop you can have the prospect submit their rental application again—this time making sure they double-check their entered information—all without charging the prospect for a second application!
Note: This only allows prospects to resend the same exact type of application again without paying.
If the applicant's screening report has expired, you cannot send their original rental application link to them again to get another report. Instead, you'll need to send a brand new link and have them fill out the rental application again to get a new screening report.
The Steps
Rather than resending the property rental application link to the prospect needing to resubmit (which would charge them for the second application), you will send them an application link related to their original application that as submitted.
This link will allow them to resubmit their application without having to pay again. This application will then replace the information in their old application. If everything is correct this time, TransUnion will be able to verify their identity and produce a SmartMove report.
Tip: The application Decision status must be either Undecided or blank, or these steps will not work! So don't update the rental application decision before having the prospect submit again.
To resend the rental application so the prospect can update or fix issues, click Leasing on the main menu and then click Rental Applications. Find and click on the rental application of the Prospect you need to resend the application to.
From the rental application’s Overview tab, click on the Resend Application button.
This will resend the rental application to the Prospect's saved contact information, in this case, it would be their email address. Having them update the old application WILL be overwritten when the application is filled out, updated, and submitted.
That’s all! If you’ve set up DoorLoop to send notifications when prospects submit rental applications, you’ll get an email when this application is ready for you to review.
Note: You can only resend a rental application if screening reports have not been generated. Once the screening reports are generated and received, you will need to have the prospect fill out a brand new rental application if you intend on running a new screening again.
Next Steps