In DoorLoop, property Owners control or own the properties and units you rent out to tenants. You need to track property owners in DoorLoop so you can keep track of who you distribute the property rent profit to, and who contributes money to the property to pay for bills when necessary.
(If you own the property you manage, you are the property owner! Otherwise, you are a vendor collecting management fees before distributing rent profit to owners.)
Let's go through creating a property owner now!
Note: Creating Owners is not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.
The Steps
To add a property owner, click People on the main menu and then click Owners.
In the top right corner, click the + New Owner button.
On the New Owner window, enter the owner's information. Enter their First Name, Last Name, and if you choose to do so, you can also enter a Company name for them. You will also need to enter Contact Info under the Portal Login Info section, whether it be an Email address or a Mobile Phone number.
(Note: This will not send them an Owner Portal Invite unless you toggle on the "Invite this owner to the Owner Portal" setting.)
After this point, it's up to you if you want to fill in extra information to flesh out their profile with the following information:
Contact Details: Other than the required name fields, use the Job Title and Notes field to add additional information.
Contact Info: Here you’ll fill in the owner's Phone and Email. You can add more than one! You will need to enter a contact email address and/or a mobile phone number.
Address: Add the owner's main address.
Alternate Address: If the owner has a secondary address, use this section.
Agreement: Enter the Agreement Start Date and End Date that you have with this owner. You can see this information later on your Owners Directory report found in the Reports section.
Federal Taxes: Lastly, you can add tax information for your vendor. This is currently for informational purposes only.
Send Payments: This is an optional section if you plan on sending them payments, such as for Owner Distributions.
Click Save when you are done entering information.
You can edit an owner later by clicking on the vertical three dots icon either from your list of owners or when you are viewing a specific owner, and then choose Edit.
(You can also delete the owner, but you won't be able to do this if the owner is currently associated with properties. You'll need to disconnect them from the property first before being able to delete them.)
Good work! You've created an owner! You can also create owners using these steps when you are actually setting owners on your properties.
Note: If you have an owner that owns multiple properties, and each of those properties is under separate companies that the owner has created, it's recommended to create a property owner profile for each of those companies. Each of these owner profiles also needs unique email addresses attached to them.
Next Steps