Add a Business Property

What is a business property and how do you add one?

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


A Business Property in DoorLoop refers to a non-existent property in DoorLoop that is used to represent your actual business so you can record business expenses to it that normally don't fit in with your other properties. For instance, if you're recording the purchase of day-to-day business supplies or other office expenses.

The Steps

  1. On the main menu, click Rentals and then click Properties

  2. At the top right corner, click the + New Property button

  3. When going through the New Property flow, it does not matter what kind of property type you choose. You do need to enter an address though so it's recommended that you use your business address. You will need to associate a bank account to the property but do not need to set a reserve fund or ownership.

  4. Click Finish at the end.

  5. After creating the property, click on it in the Rentals > Properties section. What we'll need to do now is delete the Unit that was set up on it because we're not going to need it and you don't need it counting against your Subscription Unit Count.

  6. Click the Units tab and click the 3-dots to the right of the Unit.

  7. Click Delete.

You now have a Business Property set up.

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