The Communications Center is where all messages to and from the tenant, prospects, vendors, and owners will be displayed. These will mostly be SMS messages and look similar to how an email inbox would look but the messages will be displayed like chats. You will need to set up your Communications Center settings first before being able to access this section.
The Steps
View Your Communications Center Inbox
To view your message inbox, click Communications on the main menu and then click My Inbox.
From My Inbox, you can see all the messages that you have already sent and read. New messages will appear with a blue dot whereas messages that are old and already read will not have a blue dot.
Note that My Inbox will only show messages that you are assigned to. If you want to see all messages regardless of whether you have been assigned to them or not, click All Messages. To view messages that haven't been assigned to anyone, click Unassigned.
Click each message to view the conversation between you and the recipient.
Tip: If your users don't have access to the Communications Center, you need to enable the Communications Center for Users on your account if they aren't Full Access users. You'll need to edit their User Role permissions. Their User Role need to have View List set in their Communication Center object (either with the person icon or the checkmark icon). For more information about this, read Set Assignees for Messages Received on the Communication Center.
Sort Your Messages
You can sort the messages on the Communications Center chronologically based on when the latest messages have been received. If you click the toggle shown in the image below, you can show either the newest or oldest messages first at the top.
Filter Your Messages
Messages can also be filtered in your Inbox. Click the Filter button next to the new message icon. This will slide out the Filter Panel. From here you can filter for the following:
Inbox Filters: Filter between read and unread along with who messages are assigned to.
Lease Filters: Filter by Property, Unit, and Lease.
These filters are useful if you need to search for a specific message or group of messages.
Note: SMS Welcome Messages will not appear in your inbox. Instead, SMS Welcome messages will appear under Communications > Communications Log. These will appear with the subject: "Property Manager New Number."