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Creating eSignature Templates
Creating eSignature Templates

Create eSignature templates to speed up the process of sending out commonly used documents for signing

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


In DoorLoop, you have the ability to accept eSignatures through Dropbox Sign. You can create templates for better workflow when creating and sending eSignature requests. eSignature templates can be used to create lease agreement templates for your properties, units, leases, and tenants. You can also use eSignature templates for any forms that need to be signed, such as property management agreements, purchase agreements, and more.

Note: eSignature Templates are not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

Video Walkthrough

The Steps

Step 1 - General Settings

  1. On the main menu, click Communications and then click Signature Templates.

  2. Click the + New Signature Template button to create a new template. If you want to edit an existing template, click on the template you want to change.

  3. Enter the Signature Template Title and Description (Optional) for this template.

  4. Click Next to proceed.

Step 2 - Related Records

The next step is to select what the signature request is related to. The default selection is Draft Lease. If you click Show More Options, you’ll also now see selections for Existing Lease, Property, and Unit. Click Next to proceed.

Note: You will not be able to change this setting for this template later. You will have to create a new template if you want to change what the template is related to. For instance, if you created a template for a Draft Lease, and want to use it for an Existing Lease, you'll need to create a new one for an Existing Lease.

Step 3 - Documents

Upload the file of the document you want to be signed. It is recommended to upload a file in PDF or DOC format and must be no larger than 50MB. DoorLoop has free rental forms and templates you can check out here.

You can either drag the file to this page or use the Click Here link to upload a file.

Click Next to proceed.

Step 4 - Signers

Click the Add New Signer Role button to choose what type of people you want to eSign the document (Tenant, Prospect, Vendor, Owner, or User).

  1. If you add more than one role, the Set Signer Order option requires the role listed first to sign before the next signer receives the signature request.

  2. Enter a Role Name for clarity, for example, Property Manager for a User role.

  3. Click Finish to move on to the next step.

Note: You will not be able to change these settings for this template later.

Now it’s time to configure your uploaded document with the various signatures and auto-fill fields you need.

  • Drag the Signature and other fields needed from the left-hand menu onto the document, placing the boxes where required.

  • The Standard fields section on the left menu allows you to create your own fields for the signers to fill out. Configure these fields after placing them using the menu on the right.

  • For multiple signer roles, change the role using the Signers drop-down menu at the top of the left menu and then add this role's signature box and fields.

  • You can use the Sender role to add Textbox and Checkbox fields related to the type of agreement and the user roles that are part of this template. For example with a lease template, you can use the Textbox field to fill in lease start and end dates.

  • You can use the Me (now) signer role to add fields for the eSignature creator to fill out when using the template. Note that the Me (now) signer role is limited to the Auto-fill and Standard fields because there is no document to be signed right now.

  • When finished, click the Continue button in the top right of the editor.

For more details about what the fields do, please refer to this article: eSignature Template Fields and What They Do. You can also view Drobbox Sign's FAQ here.

You can now use this template when creating new signature requests in Communications > Signature Requests.

Note: When you sign into Dropbox Sign, these templates won't show there, but you will be able to see your created eSignature requests in your Dropbox Sign account.


How do I edit eSignature templates?

  • Click on the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the template line and choose Edit.

  • Make any necessary edits to the Signature template title and Description and then click Save.

  • Use the Dropbox Sign editor to make any necessary changes.

  • When finished, click the Continue button in the top right of the editor.

How do I delete eSignature templates?

  • Click on the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the template line and choose Delete.

What happens if I take too long to configure my document?

  • When configuring your document, the connection to Dropbox Sign will time out after about an hour. If you are going to take this long, make sure you click the Continue button to save your work and then edit the template later to finish.

What happens if I send an eSignature request to the wrong email or need to edit the email of a recipient?

  • Unfortunately, you can not edit the email address or its recipients. You would need to create a new eSignature request with the correct emails and send it out again.

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