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Create a New eSignature Request

Send, track, and sign documents through Dropbox Sign

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


In DoorLoop, you have the ability to accept eSignatures through Dropbox Sign. The signature request will be saved to the Signature Requests tabs of the section related to the eSigned document.

Video Walkthrough

The Steps

Step 1 - Begin the Signature Request Wizard

  1. To begin the signature request process, click the + Create New button at the top left corner and then click Signature Request under the Communications section.

Step 2 - Choose What the Signature Request will be Related to

  1. The next step is to select what the signature request is related to. The default selection is Draft Lease. If you click Show More Options, you’ll also now see selections for Existing Lease, Property, and Unit. Clicking one of these will prompt you to select from an item that has already been created in DoorLoop.

  2. Click Next to continue.

Tip: The Related Records section is where you tell DoorLoop to attach the Signature Request. For instance, if you relate it to a draft lease or an existing lease, it'll be attached to the corresponding leases. If you select a property, it'll appear only on the property. The same is the case for the unit. If you want the signature request to attach to a specific area, make sure you choose the correct related item.

Step 3 - Enter a Name and Description for Your Signature Request

  1. On the Name & Description section, enter the Signature Request Title and a Description for your document.

  2. Click Next to continue.

Step 4 - Upload Your Documents or Use a Signature Template

Tip: If you need a template or form to get started with, DoorLoop has free rental forms and templates, which you can check out here.

  1. On the Documents section, click the Upload File button to upload the file or the document you want to be signed. The document must be in a PDF or DOCX format. You can also select Use Template to select an eSignature template you have already created. (Note that eSignature templates are not available for Starter Plans.)

  2. Click Next to continue.

Step 5 - Add Your Signers

(Skip to Step 5a if using a Signature Template.)

  1. Click the Add New Signer button to choose what type of people you want to sign the document (Tenant, Prospect, Vendor, Owner, or User).

    • If you add more than one person, the Set Signer Order option requires the person listed first to sign before the next signer receives the signature request. Change the signer order by dragging and dropping the signers in the appropriate order.

    • If no email address auto-populates, you must enter one to proceed.

  2. Click Next to continue.

Step 5a - Signers (Alternate)

(Go to Step 5 if you aren't using a Signature Template.)

  1. Click the Add Template button and select from your list of templates Then click Next to proceed.

  2. Select a person for each Signer role you created in your template. (If no email address auto-populates, you must enter one before clicking Next to proceed.)

  3. Click Next to continue.

Step 6 - Configure the Uploaded Document

  1. Configure your uploaded document with the various signature and auto-fill fields you need. For more information about template fields, read the article: eSignature Template Fields and What They Do.

    • Drag the Signature and other fields needed from the left-hand menu onto the document, placing the boxes where required.

    • The Standard fields section on the left menu allows you to create your own fields for the signers to fill out. Configure these fields after placing them using the menu on the right.

    • For multiple signers, change the person using the Signers drop-down menu at the top of the left menu and then add their signature box and fields.

    • You can use the Me (now) signer to add fields and sign the document immediately if you need to sign it yourself.

    • When finished, click Next at the bottom right of your screen.

    (You can also refer to the Dropbox Sign editor FAQ page.)

  2. Review the information on the confirmation window. Enter a title for the eSign document, which will be used in the subject line of the email sent to the signers. CC recipients and a message are optional.

  3. Once done, click the Send For Signature button on the bottom right of the pane.

Step 7 - Review & Confirm the Signature Request Details

Use this page to see how many eSignature Credits will be used compared to how many you have, and re-check the recipients. (See the section below for what eSignature credits are and how much they cost.)

Click Finish to send the eSignature request.

Tip: Double-check the signer's email address before completing the Signature Request wizard. If you entered an incorrect email address, you will not be able to edit it after and will need to create a new Signature Request to send it to the correct person. The eSignature credit deducted for creating and sending the original request through Dropbox Sign will not be returned.

Step 8 - Track the Status of Your Signature Requests

Although the signers involved will receive email updates when requests are sent, signed, and completed, you can also track signature requests on the Communications > Signature Requests page.

To send email reminders, download the e-signed document, or delete the request, click on a specific signature request to see more details. (Note that you can only send one email reminder per hour. You can also upload the e-signed document to the Files tab of the lease, tenant, or whatever else you want to in DoorLoop.)

If you sign into your Dropbox Sign account, you will see the eSignature requests you sent there as well.

Things to Consider

  • Each eSignature request costs 1 eSignature credit. When you run out of credits, you will be notified that you are being charged for more credits when you submit the signature request. Credits are sold in bundles of 10.

    • Starter: 1 eSignature credit = $3 per signature request. If you run out, you will be charged $30 for an additional 10 credits.

    • Pro: 1 eSignature credit = $1 per signature request. If you run out, you will be charged $10 for an additional 10 credits.

    • Premium: eSignature credits = Free.

  • eSignature credits are deducted as soon as you submit the signature request.

  • Multiple documents can be included in a single eSignature request. This is done when you select your files for the eSign document. In the document editor, the files you uploaded are combined into one eSignature request.

  • If you cancel a signature request before it is completed, the signers will not be able to complete the signature process. The eSignature credit deducted for creating and sending the request through Dropbox Sign will not be returned.

  • When configuring your eSignature document, the connection to Dropbox Sign will time out after about an hour. If you are going to take this long, make sure you click the Continue button to save your work and then edit the template later to finish.

  • You can not edit the email address or its recipients once you send an eSignature request. You would need to create a new eSignature request with the correct emails and send it out again.

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