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Print a Check

Create and print checks on either blank or pre-printed check paper.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


DoorLoop offers check printing which will allow you to print both Bill Payments and Expenses payable to Owners, Vendors, and Tenants. Check printing is possible onto either Voucher (1 Check per Page) or Standard (3 checks per Page) formats. You can print your checks with Account and Routing numbers, or without if they are already pre-printed on your check paper.

Note: Check Printing is not available to Starter Plans. Consider upgrading to the Pro or Premium Plans to access this feature.

The Steps

Step 1 - Set Up the Bank Routing and Account Numbers

  1. To add your bank routing and account number to your DoorLoop bank account, click Accounting on the main menu and then click Banking. Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the bank account you want to set bank routing and account numbers, and then click Edit.

  2. On the Edit Account window, click on the Check Printing tab on the left side. Toggle on the option to Also include routing, account and check numbers when printing on the check. Enter in the appropriate information and click Save.

Note: If your check paper comes with this information pre-printed, you will not want to turn on this option.

Step 2 - Print and Adjust Checks

Before printing out your checks, you should create the expense or bill payment first before proceeding.

  1. To print a check, click Accounting on the main menu and then click Print Checks.

  2. On the Print Checks page, use the drop-down menus under Account and select the bank account you want to print checks from.

  3. A list of checks will appear from expenses and bill payments you created from the bank account. Select the checks you would like to print from the list. Then click the Preview Checks button.

  4. The Print Checks preview window shows you how your checks and vouchers (if applicable) will print. If no changes are necessary, click on the Print button in the lower right corner. (If you need to make adjustments, click Print Setup at the top right corner.)

  5. In the print preview window, adjust your print settings to match our recommendations. These are:

    • Set the Margins to Default

    • Set the Scale to Default or Actual Size

    • Turn off Headers and footers

    • Turn off Background graphics

    • Do not choose Print on both sides

  6. Click Print to print the checks using either your actual check paper or regular paper for a test print. (It is recommended that you print a test page first.)

    • If you completed a test print, make sure you choose the option "No, keep the checks" so you can print them again for another test or on real check paper.

    • If you printed your real checks and are satisfied, choose the "Yes, all is good!" to complete the checks and remove them from your list of checks to print.

    • If you accidentally choose "Yes, all is good!" and still need to reprint the checks, refer to these instructions below to be able to print the checks again.

  7. If your checks are not lining up with the printed test pages, you'll need to make adjustments. Go through the check printing processes again until you get to the Print Checks page again. Click on the Print Setup button.

  8. On the Print Setup window, you can change the following:

    • Switch between Voucher (1 check per page) and Standard (3 checks per page).

    • Review how to print and use a test page, what print settings to use, and adjust the height of the printed check if necessary.

  9. If you've set the correct print settings and still need to make height adjustments, go to the Make Adjustments section and enter a starting number such as 10. Print a test page and repeat the test as needed, changing the Height Adjustment number in small increments up or down until the test print lines up with your checks.

    When the test lines up correctly, print the checks again using your actual check paper.

  10. Click Save after making your adjustments and continue with the printing process from Step 4.


How do I compare a test page to my check paper?

  • Place the printed test page behind your check paper so that both sheets are completely aligned. Hold the stacked sheets up to light to see the printed information through the check paper. Make sure the printed information on the test page aligns with what is already pre-printed on the check paper. If it does not, make more height adjustments and test again.

I used the suggested print settings, but the checks are still not aligned properly. What do I need to adjust?

  • If the default settings don't work, try setting your print margins to None or No margins. If that doesn't work, try making the height adjustments described in Step 9.

Where are the various bank account settings printed on my checks?

  • Next Check Number: will be the next check number printed in the upper right corner.

  • Bank Name: printed at the top in the middle.

  • Account Owner Name: printed in the upper left above the Bank Account Contact Info.

  • Bank Account Contact Info: printed in the upper left below the Account Owner Name.

What else is printed on my checks?

  • MEMO: Prints the Memo of the expense or bill. If you print the check for a multiple line item expense or bill, the Memo field of the first line item will print on the check. Up to nine line item memos will print on the voucher part of the check.

  • Payee Address: printed just above the MEMO line.

How do I reprint checks after I already selected "Yes, all is good!" after printing checks?

  • For a check paying an Expense, you will just need to edit the Expense to toggle the Print Later option back on. This works for an Owner Distribution as well, because these are also recorded as expenses.

  • For a check paying off a Bill, you will need to delete the Bill Payment you created to pay off that bill and print the check. Then you can redo the Bill Payment wizard to be able to print the check again.

Why am I not getting a voucher when choosing to print three checks at once?

  • If you choose Standard three check per page option, you will not get a voucher. To get the voucher, you'll need to print one check at a time.

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