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Customize Tenant Portal Settings

Turn on and customize the tenant portal for your company

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


Your DoorLoop tenant portal is customizable to meet your business needs. You can configure your tenant portal to receive payments, tenant requests, proof of insurance, and change the appearance of the portal itself. After you configure your tenant portal settings, make sure you invite your tenants to use the portal!

The Steps

Company Default Tenant Portal Settings

  1. To set the company's default tenant portal settings, click Settings on the main menu.

  2. Navigate down to the Property Settings section and click on the Tenant Portal button.

  3. Refer to the section below to learn what each of the tenant portal settings do. When you are happy with the changes you have made, click the Save button to update your tenant portal settings.

What the Tenant Portal Settings Do


On the Permissions section, you can set the ability for your tenants to do the following:

  • Allow tenants to access the tenant portal

  • Enable online payments

    • Allow partial payment

    • Tenants can pay with bank transfer (ACH)

    • Tenants can pay with credit card

    • Cash Payments (Western Union)

  • Tenants can view Lease Ledger

  • Tenants can upload Insurance Policy

  • Allow tenants to submit online requests

    • View open requests

    • View closed requests

    • Add instructions for tenant requests. It will be displayed when new requests are created at the tenant portal

Contact Info

In the Contact Info section, you have the option to set company information, including the company name, email, phone number, and address. By default, this information will be filled in from the Company Information settings.

If you want to enter custom information that is different from your company information, you can do so by selecting "Customize contact info displayed in the portal." You will be able to enter a new company name, email, and address. If you have SMS messaging set up for the Communications Center, you won't be able to change this number. If not, you can enter any phone number here.

Also, you can toggle any of the contact information fields on or off depending on what you want shown on the tenant portal.

Tip: If your properties are owned or managed by different LLCs, you can set a unique company for each of your properties by using property tenant portal settings.


In the Customization section, you can configure how your tenant portal looks:

  • Add a custom company Logo (Recommended Size: 300x100), which will appear in the upper left corner of your tenant’s portals.

  • Edit the Color Theme, which changes the background banner color.

  • Add a custom background image for the portal (Recommended Size: 1920x1080).

  • In the Portal URL section, you can easily customize your Tenant Portal URL to your company brand. Enter your chosen custom URL into the subdomain box under URL Structure.

Note: If you use an invalid character such as a space, dash, or punctuation you will see an “Invalid subdomain” error below the subdomain box. If you pick a subdomain that has already been chosen, you will get an error message when you try to save saying the subdomain has already been taken.

Portal Invites

In the Portal Invites section, you can easily modify the email invite sent out when inviting your tenants to their tenant portal. You can change the Title (which will be the email subject), the Subtitle (which can act as the email greeting), and the Email Body.

Note: By default, the Subtitle will insert the tenant’s name and the company name you set in the Portal Contact Info.

Property-Specific Tenant Portal Settings

  1. To set up the property-specific tenant portal settings, click Rentals on the main menu and then click Properties.

  2. Click on the property you want to set up property-specific tenant portal settings.

  3. Click on the View Settings button or the Settings tab.

  4. Click on the Tenant Portal button.

  5. For each individual section on the Tenant Portal Settings window, anything that you want to be different from the company default settings, you would use the "Specify" option and enter any info that might be different from the default.

  6. Click Save to finish.

Lease-Specific Tenant Portal Settings

  1. To set up lease-specific tenant portal settings, click Leasing on the main menu and then click Active Leases.

  2. Click on the lease you want to set up lease-specific tenant portal settings.

  3. Click on the Settings tab.

  4. Click on the Tenant Portal button.

  5. ​You will only be able to set portal Permissions at the lease level. Click Specify portal features for this lease to create custom tenant portal features just for this lease.

  6. Click Save to finish.

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