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Bulk Invite Multiple Tenants to the Tenant Portal

How to invite multiple tenants to the Tenant Portal at one time.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


Here at DoorLoop, we try our best to make sure inviting tenants to their Tenant Portal is as easy as possible. But what if you’d like to invite multiple tenants at once? We’ve got you covered. DoorLoop will allow you to send bulk Tenant Portal invites all at once with a few simple steps.

Note: This feature only works for tenants if you have already input their email address and/or mobile phone number. If you try to send bulk invites to tenants without an email address or mobile phone number already entered, the system will not send them to those tenants. Tenants with Active Tenant Portals will also not receive new invites.

You can also use these steps to resend invites in bulk to your tenants who have not yet accepted their intive to their tenant portals.

The Steps

Scenario 1 - This is for Users who want to send out bulk Tenant Portal invites to all their tenants, regardless of which property they currently occupy.

  1. To send a bulk invitations to all your tenants, click on People on the main menu and then click on Tenants. Here, you will see a list of all your current tenants.

  2. Click on the check box next to the left of the word Tenant (below the search bar) to select all the tenants in the list simultaneously. Click the link that appears that reads, "Send Portal Invitation."

  3. On the Activate Portal Confirmation window, click the Send Portal Invitation button. This will send a portal invitation to everyone that has valid contact information.

Scenario 2 - This is for Users who only want to send bulk Tenant Portal invites for a specific property.

  1. To send bulk portal invitations to all tenants of a specific property, click Rentals on the main menu and then click on Properties. Here you will see a list of all the current properties you manage.

  2. Click on the property for which you want to send bulk Tenant Portal invites.

  3. From the Overview page of that property, click the Tenants tab. You should now see a list of all the tenants that reside on that property.

  4. Click on the check box next to the left of the word Tenant (below the search bar) to select all the tenants in the list simultaneously. Click the link that appears that reads, "Send Portal Invitation."

  5. On the Activate Portal Confirmation window, click the Send Portal Invitation button. This will send a portal invitation to everyone that has valid contact information.

Scenario 3 - This is for Users who only want to send bulk Tenant Portal invites for specific tenants, regardless of which property they reside in.

  1. To send bulk tenant portal invitation to only specific tenants, click People on the main menu and then click on Tenants. Here, you will see a list of all your current tenants.

  2. Click the check box on the left of each individual tenant line item to select the ones you want to send Tenant Portal invites.

  3. Click on the check box next to the left of the word Tenant (below the search bar) to select all the tenants in the list simultaneously. Click the link that appears that reads, "Send Portal Invitation."

  4. On the Activate Portal Confirmation window, click the Send Portal Invitation button. This will send a portal invitation to everyone that has valid contact information.

If you want to check to see if your bulk Tenant Portal invites were sent out, click on Communications in the left-hand menu on the main screen and then click Communications Log. From here, you can see if they were sent out, delivered, opened, and clicked on. You’ll however need to go back to the People > Tenants section to see the status of their activation.

Next Steps

  1. Need to add emails and mobile phone numbers to your Tenants in order to send invites in bulk? Please refer to our View and Edit Tenant Information article.

  2. Want to see what your tenants see in their portal? Please refer to our How to View Your Tenant’s Portal article.

  3. Want to customize your Tenant Portal and control what your Tenants can and can't do? Learn how to Configure Tenant Portal Settings.

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