Delete a Bank Deposit

How to fix mistakes with your manually created bank deposits.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


Remember that for the accounting cycle in DoorLoop, if you manually record that you received a lease payment from a tenant or a contribution from an owner, you also need to record when you deposit that money into your bank account. (Payments received through the tenant portal get automatically deposited when the money reaches your bank account.)

Later, if you find you made a mistake and need to edit the lease payment or an owner contribution, you will first need to delete the manually created bank deposit corresponding with these transactions. If you were to edit the original transactions without deleting their bank deposits, then your bank account balances and accounting would be off!

Don't worry, DoorLoop prevents you from messing up your accounting in this way. Since you are required to delete the bank deposit before you can edit the original payment transactions, we'll show you how to do that now!

The Steps

Deleting the Bank Deposit for a Lease Payment

  1. From the main menu, click Leases and then click Active Leases.

  2. Find the lease you need to correct a lease payment and delete the bank deposit for and click on it. You can either sort the list by the various columns and filters or use the Search leases search bar.

  3. Click on the Transactions tab and find the lease payment you need to delete the bank deposit for and click on it, or click on the three dots on the right side of the payment line and choose Edit.

  4. At the top of the lease payment, you'll see a message stating THIS PAYMENT HAS ALREADY BEEN DEPOSITED if you did in fact create a bank deposit for this lease payment.

    Click on the View Deposit button to open up the Edit Bank Deposit window. Use the Delete button in the lower left corner of the window to delete this deposit.

  5. After deleting the bank deposit, DoorLoop returns you to the lease Transactions tab where you can now edit the payment you deleted the bank deposit for.

Deleting the Bank Deposit for an Owner Contribution

Note that you can also use this method for deleting lease payment deposits, or any other type of manual bank deposit.

  1. From the main menu, select Reports and then click on the Deposit Transactions report in the Accounting section.

  2. Use the filters to narrow down and find the owner contribution deposit you need to delete. For example, you can change the Period or filter by a Property or Owner.

  3. Click on the line for the deposit you want to delete to open it.

  4. Click Delete in the lower left corner of the Edit Bank Deposit window.

  5. Confirm that you want to delete the transaction and click Delete again.

That’s it! Your reports get automatically updated to reflect these changes and you can now edit or delete the original Owner Contribution.

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