Delete a Property

We normally suggest making properties inactive in not in use anymore, but you can delete them if needed

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


If you are no longer managing a property and would not like to see it anymore in your DoorLoop account, we suggest making the property inactive. This will hide it from view but will still keep all the past leases and transaction data associated with it for record keeping.

However, there might be an instance where you want to delete a property, especially one that you might have been using for testing or a property that was just entered incorrectly. In that case, you can delete the property and here's how.

The Steps

  1. To delete a property, click Rentals on the main menu and then click Properties.

  2. Find the Property you want to edit.

  3. Click the 3-dots to the right of the property and a popup menu will appear.

  4. Click Delete.

That's how you would normally delete a property.

Things to Consider

  • If there are transactions associated with the property, you will need to delete those first along with any leases. For instructions on how to do that, read How to Delete a Lease. Note that leases will need to have all transactions deleted on them in order to delete the lease.

    • Delete the Transactions first.

    • Note: If there are any ePay transactions, you will not be able to delete those which means you will also not be able to delete the Property now.

    • Then delete the Lease.

  • Next would be to delete any units associated with the property. For instructions on how to do that, read How to Delete a Unit.

  • If there are no more leases or units on the Property, you should now be able to delete the property.

We suggest that you make a Property Inactive instead of deleting a whole property unless this was a test property or you just created it by accident.

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