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Review a Submitted Rental Application

Find, view, and update submitted rental applications.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over 6 months ago


Like many things in DoorLoop, we provide multiple ways for you to find and review submitted rental applications. You can view all your rental applications together in one place, view them for each property, or even go find the individual prospect created when someone submits an application.

Let’s go through each method now!

The Steps

If you have notifications for submitted rental applications turned on, the user or users you choose to receive these notifications will get an email that an application has been submitted.

Tip: You don’t have to turn this feature on to review rental applications, but it can help you review them faster!

Step 1 - Viewing a Rental Application

  1. To view rental all rental applications (submitted and sent), click Leasing on the main menu and then click Rental Applications.

  2. From here, you will see all rental applications ever submitted and sent unless you’ve deleted some. (There are different ways you can sort the Rental Applications page if you need to narrow down the list of applicants.)

  3. Find and click on the rental application you want to view or edit.

There are other ways you can view rental applications. For a complete list and instructions, please read the article: Find and View Submitted Rental Applications.

Step 2 - Review the Rental Application

Once you find and click on a rental application, use the various tabs to review and work on the application.

  • Overview - shows you basic information about the application.

  • Rental Application - allows you to review and print the actual application the prospect filled out.

  • Reports - allows you to request and view these reports.

    • This section will show reports if initially requested. If not, you can request them from here.

  • Tasks - allows you to create Tasks related to the rental application.

  • Notes - allows you to add additional information for you to refer to later.

  • Files - allows you to add additional attachments for you to refer to later.

Step 3 - Assign a User to Manage the Rental Application

  1. When viewing a rental application, click on the blue 3-dots icon in the upper right corner and choose Edit.

  2. Once on the Rental Application window, make sure the Property and Unit fields are filled in. Then, choose the user or users you want to manage this application in the Assigned To drop-down menu.

  3. Click Save when you are done.

Now when you or another user filters rental applications by the Assigned To field, this rental application will show up for the user or users you assigned it to.

For full instructions on how to assign users to a rental application, read the article: Assign a Rental Application to a User.

Note: Don’t edit any of the other sections in the Application Fee or TransUnion Report sections at this point, because this won’t change the fee or actually request reports if you didn’t have the TransUnion Report option turned on in your rental application settings when the prospect submitted their application.

Step 4 - Update Your Decision

After reviewing the rental applications, you can mark them as approved or denied.

For full instructions on how to update the decision on a rental application, read the article: Update Your Decision on a Rental Applications and Inform the Prospect.

Step 5 - Create a New Lease or Draft Lease

If you approve the prospect, you can create a new lease directly from the rental application or the prospect's profile. For details on how to do this, read the article: Create a New Lease From a Rental Application.


The Criminal Report, Eviction Related Proceedings Report and SmartMove recommendation service (a credit score based recommendation) are subject to federal, state, and local laws that may limit or restrict SmartMove’s ability to return some records or recommendations. Certain jurisdictions may limit what records are eligible for return, click here for more information.

National Sex Offender State, Federal Watch Lists and National Most Wanted

Databases are NOT impacted.

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