Adding a Prospect

How to manually create potential rental prospects.

Samuel avatar
Written by Samuel
Updated over a week ago


DoorLoop defines a Prospect as someone you've identified as a potential tenant. When someone submits a rental application, they will automatically get created as a Prospect in DoorLoop.

However, you can also add Prospects yourself before they submit rental applications.

The Steps

  1. On the main menu, click People and then click Prospects.

  2. On the top right of the page, click the + New Prospect button.

  3. For the Personal Info section, enter as much information for the prospect as you’d like, but a First Name and Last Name combination or a Company name is required.

  4. For the Contact Info section, here you can enter their Phone and Email information. You can enter a multiple of each if the prospect has several contact methods. You must enter one of these to continue.

  5. (Optional) The Address section is for you to enter the prospect’s current address.

  6. (Optional) The Alternate Address section is to add a secondary address if needed.

  7. (Optional) Specifically for the Marketing Profile section, there are several fields that you can use to filter by later if you set them. This helps you more easily sort and find specific prospects.

    • Assigned To: select which DoorLoop user you'd like to assign this prospect to.

    • Lead Status: set and track the status of the prospect lead.

    • Min Bedrooms / Min Bathrooms: enter the number of beds/baths the prospect prefers to have for their rental.

    • Property: add as many properties as you need to associate with this prospect.

  8. (Optional) The Pets section allows you to input any information about a prospect’s pets. You can enter information such as the pet’s name, type, breed, color, gender, age, and weight. There’s also the option to disclose if the pet has been spayed/neutered and if the pet is a service animal. Lastly, you can add multiple pets as well.

  9. (Optional) The Vehicles section lets you add a prospect’s vehicle(s) with information such as make, model, year, color, license plate, and state of the plate.

  10. (Optional) The Dependent section lets you enter information about a prospect's dependents.

  11. Finally, click Save and your new Prospect will be added to DoorLoop so you can track their status and add them as a tenant if you rent to them later!

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